Graphing Calculator Games

Graphing Calculator Games

We probably all know that a calculator can be used for writing certain words. Many of you have typed 0.1134 into a calculator to get 'hEllo'.

Pretty much any word with I, S, L, Z, E, O, B, G, and H can be spelled. This gives many more possibilities than you might expect.

Did you know that Eloise can be spelled, and so can 'hobo' and so can 'BIOS' (If you're a geek). I found, which has tons of words you can spell on a calculator. Some calculators have some special letters. Mine has the letters A-F, plus X, Y, and M.

I found out that I could get a 'P' by pressing shift+nCr. Pi (the symbol) can be substituted for 'n'. Though remember, doing math on a calculator can still be fun. Rockin The Fillmore Rar. You can make up simple games for a calculator. 1:Guess a number I like to key in 'Ran# x 10 + 1' That gives me a random number between 1 and 10, including 10.

Games for TI-83, TI-84+, and TI-NSpire Graphing Calculators. Bored on the bus? Here is a collection of games and programs that will run on your calculator. A graphing calculator. It is simple to download games to a graphing calculator, as nearly all calculator program archives are free and open source.

This entry was posted on 6/10/2018.