Latitude Longitude Converter Coordinates
GPS coordinates converter This tool is all about GPS coordinates conversion. As soon as you modify one end of the data (either the decimal or sexagesimal degrees coordinates), the other end is simultaneously updated, as well as the position on the map. The GPS coordinates are presented in the infowindow in an easy to copy and paste format. You can also start to convert latitude and longitude by clicking on the map, which will pre-fill the fields with the GPS coordinates of the location you clicked on. In any case, the address will not be geocoded automatically.
If you want to convert the GPS coordinates into an address, you have to click on the button 'Get Address' below the decimal coordinates.
Every point on the surface of the Earth has coordinates where a given line of latitude and a give line of longitude intersect (cross). To sum it up, latitude is measured from the equator, with positive values going north (0 to 90) and negative values going south (0 to -90). Cyberghost Premium Keygen Manager on this page. You can search for a place using its latitude and longitude GPS coordinates. You can also find the coordinates of a place you've already found on Google Maps. Nov 07, 2017 Use this tool to find the latitude and longitude of any place on Earth! You can also click anywhere on the map to find the latitude/longitude of that.