Programmer Object File For Remote Update

Programmer Object File For Remote UpdateAuto Remote Programmer

I have a Cyclone III EP3C5 design that uses an EPCS16 device in AS mode for configuration. Office Suite Pro 7 Apk Full Crack. I have successfully implemented the ALTREMOTE_UPDATE function as well as a function to load a new application configuration in the EPCS16 at address 0x80000. This function simply receives the new configuration file one page at a time over a custom communication port and programs it to the ECPS16 device (after erasing the appropriate sectors, of course). I tried loading an application config raw binary file (.rbf) at that address and when I attempt to reconfigure at 0x80000 and use the new configuration, the device reverts back to the factory configuration and reports a reconfiguration trigger of 5'b00100 (nSTATUS asserted by an external device as the result of an error). Broadcom Netlink Tm Gigabit Ethernet Driver For Xp more. Funny, because I don't have anything tied to nSTATUS pin. It is pulled high with a 10K resistor. This isn't the first issue I have found with ALTREMOTE_UPDATE, so I don't trust this info.

This entry was posted on 5/3/2018.