Reading Property Files In Javascript


I have a JSF based application that runs on tomcat, so its a Java based application that conforms to the Servlet spec.It has html pages.etc. Some of my html pages include a javascript function. In that function it has the need for some default values, like a url or a redirect.etc. I would like to externalize those values instead of baking them into the javascript.

Reading files in JavaScript using the File APIs HTML5 Rocks. Table of Contents. File) - The result property will contain the file/blob's data as a binary string. Java Properties File: How to Read Values in. How to retrieve/read Properties File in Java? How to Read and.

I have a. General Knowledge Question Answers Pdf. properites (ResourceBundle) in the Java classpath that I can call from Java or xml, is there a way to call it from a js function? It is probably something rather difficult - muind that your javascript executes on the client, and your property file is on the server. So inless you want to send the whiole of your property file somehow with the web page to the client you'd hardkly be able to read it directly from javascript. You can read it before when preparing the page and include the value in the page - that is waht you don't want You can set up some ajax like connection back to server from your java script and web service would return to java script the value, but that seems to be like an overkill.

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This entry was posted on 3/12/2018.