Utility Programs Wiki
Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • History/Common JCL Many of these utilities were designed by IBM users, through the group, and then modified or extended by IBM from versions originally written by a user. These utilities are usually invoked via (JCL). They tend to use common JCL DD identifiers for their data sets: • SYSIN — input file for the 'commands' for the utility. Often set to DUMMY if the default action is desired. • SYSUT1 — input file.
• SYSUT2 — output file. • SYSUT3 — work (spill) file for input (SYSUT1) (often not used). • SYSUT4 — work (spill) file for output (SYSUT2) (often not used). • SYSPRINT — output file for messages from the utility. • SYSOUT — output file for printed output from the utility. • SYSUDUMP — output file for a system 'dump' if the program fails.
Dataset utilities. //XXXXXXXW JOB XXXXXXX,AAAA,CLASS=G,MSGCLASS=1,NOTIFY=&SYSUID //STEP001 EXEC PGM=IDCAMS //SYSIN DD * REPRO INFILE(FILE01) OUTFILE(FILE02) /* //FILE01 DD DSN=PROD.FILE1.INPUT,DISP=SHR //FILE02 DD DSN=PROD.FILE2.OUTPUT, // DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE), // UNIT=DASD, // SPACE=(TRK,(100,10),RLSE), // DCB=(RECFM=FB,BLKSIZE=0,LRECL=80) //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSOUT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSUDUMP DD SYSOUT=9 //* In the example above, SYSIN control cards are coming from an in-stream file, but you can instead point to any sequential file or a PDS member containing control cards, if you wish. Example of using SYSIN files would be something like this.
True Hyper Sonic Games. A public utility (usually just utility) is an organization that maintains the infrastructure for a public service (often also providing a service using that.
IEBCOMPR IEBCOMPR compares records in sequential or partitioned. The IEBCOMPR utility is used to compare two. This data set comparison is performed at the logical record level. Therefore, IEBCOMPR is commonly used to verify that a backup copying of a data set is current. During processing, IEBCOMPR compares each record from each data set, one by one. If the records are unequal, IEBCOMPR lists the following information in the SYSOUT: • The record and block numbers in question. • The names of the DD statements in which the inconsistency occurred.
• The unequal records. When comparing sequential data sets, IEBCOMPR considers the data sets equal if the following conditions are met: • • The data sets contain the same number of records.
• The corresponding records and keys are identical. For, IEBCOMPR considers the data sets equal if the following conditions are met: • • The directory entries for the two partitioned data sets match - that is, the names are the same, and the number of entries are equal. • The corresponding members contain the same number of records. • The corresponding records and keys are identical. If ten unequal comparisons are encountered during processing, IECOMPR terminates with the appropriate message.