Duke Nukem Sound Pack Wav Music
Sound List This is a complete listing of the sound information in Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition. My sources were the sound and CON files included with the game. The 'multiple block' sampling rate information came from an old (but excellent) list by Shane King. There were a few discrepancies between his multi listing and mine (probably due to his list being from v1.3d). The majority of the custom sound information was obtained through testing, although some of the more basic points are listed directly in the CON files.
Every single sound from the full version of Duke Nukem 3d v1.4. K-tit, playing the breast, er, the best music in town!' - Duke radio voice: land02.wav: Duke lands. Free Duke Nukem 3D soundtracks. Browse our great selection of Duke Nukem 3D music. Unlimitted free downloads of your favourite Duke Nukem 3D albums.
Custom Sound Effects and Music • The game will only accept sound effect files that are in VOC or WAV format, and music files that are in MID format. Electronic Principles 7th Edition By Albert Malvino on this page. EDuke32 also supports the OGG (Ogg Vorbis) format for sound effects and music. • You can either change the filenames listed in USER.CON to match your custom files, or you can rename your custom files to match the filenames listed in USER.CON. • The default music file associated with user maps is DETHTOLL.MID. EDuke32 can alternatively use DETHTOLL.OGG, and is also designed to load a music file with the same name as a loaded user map. The only exception is if the user map has the same name as an official map in the E#L# format, in which case (unlike the original game) EDuke32 considers it to be an official map and plays the music file defined for that map in USER.CON.