First Alert Fa 1600 Programming Manual
] )LUHDQG%XUJODU 3DUWLWLRQHG6HFXULW 6 VWHPV ZLWK6FKHGXOLQJ )$&&$&% **** **** ARMED READY A C OFF AWAY B D STAY FIRE 3 FIRE 1 MAXIMUM 2 TEST BYPASS 4 INSTANT 5 CODE 6 CHIME PULL 7 8 0 9 # First Alert READY * Professional 8VHU*XLGH N6020-4V2 1/99 TABLE OF CONTENTS SYSTEM OVERVIEW.................................... 7 To Access Another Partition (GOTO Command).................................................. 8 Phone Access & Voice Response Capability.................................................... 14 SECURITY CODES & AUTHORITY LEVELS.................................................... ] In the event a user must stay on the premises later than usual, users with master or manager authority levels can manually delay the automatic arming (closing) time up to 2 hours.
A menu prompt will be displayed, asking for the number of hours of delay. CLOSING DELAY?The system will automatically exit this mode after entry.
Security system (56 pages). Security System First Alert FA168CPS User Manual. Angus Stone Broken Brights Rar. Security System Model FA 110 FA 120 FA 142C FA 148 FA 160 FA 162 FA 168 FA 270 FA 570 FA 1200 FA 1200CV FA 1340 FA 1600 FA 1660 FA 1700 FA. Simple instructions on how to change user codes on our most popular alarm panels.
Note that the delay is from the scheduled closing time, not from the time the command is entered. The system will automatically send a message to the central station informing them that the programmed schedule has been changed.
Temporary Open/Close Schedules Temporary schedules allow you to override the normal schedules programmed by the installer. Temporary schedules can be in effect for up to one week, and take effect as soon as they are programmed. 46 Using Schedules (cont'd) Schedules are comprised of an arming (closing) time window and a disarming (opening) time window. A time window is simply a defined period of time, at the end of which arming or disarming will occur. Before programming a temporary schedule, use a worksheet similar to the one below to plan your schedule. This will make it easier when actually programming the schedule. Arm/Disarm Windows Disarm Window Start Time HH:MM Stop Time HH:MM Arm Window Start Time HH:MM Stop Time HH:MM Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Programming Temporary Schedules Temporary schedules only affect the partition from which it is entered.
First alert FA1600C Pdf User Manuals. View online or download First alert FA1600C User Manual. Jan 28, 2018 Does anyone have a installation and programmers manual for this panel in PDF? Presto Video Works 4.5 Download here. First Alert FA-1600. First Alert FA148CP programming.
Temporary schedules can be reused at later dates simply by scrolling (by pressing #) to the DAYS?Note that only users with authority level of manager or higher can program temporary schedules. The following prompts will appear. 47 Using Schedules (cont'd) MON DISARM WIND. 07:45AM 08:45AM The cursor will be positioned on the tens of hours digit of the start time for Monday's disarm window. The AM/PM indication is changed by hitting any key, 0-9, while the cursor is under the letter A/P position.