Hatch Pattern Too Dense Autocad 2012
Sometimes when we want to create a hatch that is too dense we get the following message. AutoCAD, Hatch Patterns. 2012 (7) December 2012 (1). I want to fill a selected region with a custom hatch that looks like a grid (like a chess table). I tried to use the ANSI37 pattern but its lines are too dense and I. If you create a very dense hatch pattern, the program may reject the hatch and display a message indicating that the hatch scale is too small or its dash length too.
And is defined as follows: *ANSI31, ANSI Iron, Brick, Stone masonry 45, 0,0, 0.125 The pattern name on the first line, *ANSI31, is followed by a description: ANSI Iron, Brick, Stone masonry. This simple pattern definition specifies a line drawn at an angle of 45 degrees, the first line of the family of hatch lines is to pass through the drawing origin (0,0), and that the spacing between hatch lines of the family is to be 0.125 drawing units. Hatch pattern definitions follow these rules: • Each line in a pattern definition can contain up to 80 characters. You can include letters, numbers, and the special characters underline (_), hyphen (-), and dollar sign ($). However, you must begin a pattern definition with a letter or number, not a special character. • Blank lines and text to the right of a semicolon are ignored. Underground Gamer Hyperspin Project on this page. • Each pattern line is considered to be the first member of a line family, created by applying the delta offsets in both directions to generate an infinite family of parallel lines.